Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gila Luk!

As mentioned in my previous posting, something crazy is about to happen... IT HAPPENED! It wasn't just two malauns who got snooked, a third malaun came over to join the group in Jakarta. Man! How crazy can you guys be...

This wasn't a planned trip... I have to clarify. It started last Friday when I came back to work and was told we are heading KUL-CGK for a little work there.

Over the weekend, one guy suggested or invited (whichever way you wanna put it ;)) the golfing buddies for a round of golf game in Melaka on Wednesday. Knowing very well I can't make it, I just bait them with CGK instead. Well... no one picks up the invitation tho.

Perhaps all are still tired from golfing under the hot blazing sun in PKU . Noted. No worries. July plan is still in place. C u then. Life goes on...

All of a sudden, on Monday, 2 guys confirmed they are coming on a Tuesday flight and a third one is now under pressured . Really under pressured! Hehehehe...

What started out as a regular "I know u r pulling my legs and r pranking on me" stuff, turns out to be real now. Its even more real when Cipret actually made it to CGK on Wednesday evening. Plus... not to forget... we extended our stay by a day!

The golf wasn't that good tho. But the company was awesome! Thanks guys! Can't complain... 4 "getting older" guys having fun like small kids. Imagine that....


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