Sunday, March 18, 2012

Faulty system ensures faulty outcome

Mr Prime Minister... "There have been weaknesses in the Bumiputra community in the past. It was not the people's fault but the corporate figure who lacked knowledge in running an organisation."

Why blame the corporate figure alone? Why not admit that the government machinery that oversees, evaluate and awarded the contract is equally at fault? If the awarding of government contracts is really on merit, as you said, these issues of "Contracts given to those who lacked knowledge and experience in a certain field would bring the nation down..." will be eliminated or at least minimized. 

Unfortunately, there are just too many of "the support letter culture" and "the know who culture" in the government machinery. It's an accepted norm and culture for ages. Thus, the evaluation process of each contract or tender submission is "overlooked" by the administrators. That in itself is an error. 

It's good to hear you said "... We should also do away with the support letter culture...". Talk is cheap. Let us all support the elimination of this culture and move forward to ensure that the award of any contract is solely based on merit and expertise. Shall we?

BTW, admission of fault is not a crime  Mr PM.

Najib: Bumiputra contracts must be given based on expertise

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