Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I postponed posting this article for quite some time. However, after reading a friend's blog on traffic jam on Malaysian highway, I thought its time to publish this.

In my humble opinion, Malaysians can be very inconsiderate when it comes to road safety. Once behind the wheels, they become less sympathetic to the world surrounding them. Somehow, the Kiasu attitude and the "if you cannot beat them, join them" attitude is the order of the day when they are behind the wheels.

Recently on May 27, 2011, I stumbled across an inconsiderate situation at the highest authority to manage road safety and procedure ie. JPJ Wangsa Maju. Dah la tempat tu sibuk macam stock market with limited parking space, depa pi pulak buat "pesta jual beli" right at the main parking area. Easily 20++ parking bays taken for that activities which I don't think benefit the rakyat. Look here...

To add salt to the wound, ada pulok C230 Kompressor dok parking baikkkkkk punya in between parking for OKU and a yellow box right in front of the main entrance to Block A of JPJ Wangsa Maju. Belakang, ada la pulok JPJ triangle cone kat belakang C230 tu as if telling the public... "go away! dont get near this C230. it belongs to some VVIP that has special privilege here. even at the expense of an OKU!" See this...

Purghhh! They are really too much la.... Dato' KP JPJ, please la... don't let this happened again.

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