Thursday, March 24, 2011

Alahai Makcik...

Kejadian lucu yang terjadi beberapa malam lalu...

While driving along the main road suddenly a van was reversing from a junction straight into the longkang! 20 seconds away, I was telling my family "tengok tu... van tu reverse. terus je. bukan dia kira ada kereta ke tidak." Tetiba... kabooom! into d drain ;) And as we were passing by the van, we saw it was "driverless" and my daughter said "eh eh... tak da driver. van hantu" and on the left side we saw a lady and her daughter running towards the van hoping to stop it from going into the drain.

Ugh ugh... to late makcik!

Kasihan makcik...


SICIT said...

eh eh tak de eh mcm cite hntu la ayh ni...

SICIT said...

oh yeah its me again dad :P